One Very effective method for inviting students to membership is the tapping ceremony. Tapping is a method whereby SBD faculty members, often including the Dean, visit selected business classes and formally present invitations to membership during class. The faculty members may wear academic regalia for this ceremony.
While some campus cultures would not see the tapping ceremony as effective for them, this method has proven to be a very effective method on campuses where it is utilized. It assures high acceptance rates while educating business students about Sigma Beta Delta, its purposes and role within the business program.
A sample procedure for the tapping ceremony follows:
Prior to Tapping:
- A few minutes prior to tapping, SBD faculty meet in the designated location to gather invitation materials and dress in academic regalia (optional). Team members should discuss their roles and proceed to the class together.
- The mechanics of tapping involves a master list of students (arranged alphabetically), a list of classes to be visited, and invitation packets for each class. Invitation packets should include the complete set of invitation materials and be identified by students’ names and the class where they will be “tapped”. On the large schedule sheet, initial the class being visited and pick up the packet for that class.
- Check packets. They should include:
- A sheet with information about the class (name of instructor, time the class meets, and room number), plus the names of the students to be tapped:
- An invitation for each invited student;
- Check the master list to see if the students listed were tapped earlier. If they are marked off the master list, they were tapped in an earlier class. Make note of this on the class sheet and tap only those students who were not previously tapped, but introduce the others as invitees who were previously tapped.
- Points to emphasize in remarks to the class:
- Sigma Beta Delta is an international honor society and was established in 1994. It is currently approaching 200 chapters with over 20,000 members.
- Indicate those students who qualify for membership (i.e.-the top 20 percent of the junio and senior business classes and the top 20 percent of the master’s students and all Ph.D. students having completed their degree requirements.)
- Indicate minimum grade point average qualifying students for a SBD membership invitation (if known).
- Indicate number of students from this class elected to membership this year.
- Ask the invited students to come forward as their names are called. When they come forward, present them with an invitation packet.
- If there are other students on the class list who were previously tapped, introduce them and ask that they stand to be recognized as their names are called.
- Following all the introductions, ask the class to give the (200_) Sigma Beta Delta invitees a round of applause.
- Ask if there are any members if Sigma Beta Delta in the room — people who were elected in previous years. If so, ask them to stand and be recognized, and give them a round of applause, also.
- Thank the instructor for allowing this presentation.
After Tapping:
- Return to the designated location and mark the names of students tapped off the master list. Mark the course visited off the course schedule, and sign the course packet cover sheet. This will provide other officers with current information about which classes have been visited and which students have been tapped.
Return all unused packets. If an invitee was not in class, he/she may be tapped later. Invitees missed will receive invitations and ribbons by mail and will receive a personal phone call.