Obtain a listing of students eligible for membership from the appropriate campus office early in the semester/term when the induction ceremony will be held. The qualifications for membership are printed in the Board of Directors Policy Manual, Article I, Section 1.
The chapter officers serve as the membership nominating committee. This committee will review the list of potential members to assure that those invited meet the membership criteria.
Prepare invitation packets for those being invited to membership. This should include:
- Letter of invitation from International President (supplied by Central Office at no charge)
- Sigma Beta Delta membership brochure (supplied by Central Office at no charge)
- Information on how and when those invited are expected to respond
Explanation of the $65 international lifetime membership fee plus local chapter fee if applicable
Follow up the invitation by personal contact explaining the importance to them of accepting this invitation. Be ready to answer questions about Sigma Beta Delta and the chapter.
Identify members of the department’s administration, instructional and research staff who are eligible for membership and include them in the invitation. The more support shown from these persons, the more successful the chapter will likely be. Talk with staff from the Central Office if you are unsure about faculty and staff eligibility.
Identify up to two Honorary Members to induct per year. These persons should be from the business community. The dean may wish to suggest persons for these honorary memberships.
Promote Sigma Beta Delta throughout the School or Department of Business.