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Become an Organ Donor


In keeping with our society’s challenge to our members to live a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind, Sigma Beta Delta honor society has a national initiative to promote organ and tissue donations.

In 2010 Sigma Beta Delta held a Student Leadership Academy made up of invited student members and faculty advisors. As part of the Academy, the students were challenged with the task of creating a way Sigma Beta Delta could influence it’s members and society to aspire to live a meaningful life beyond academics and business. The students analyzed the problems facing them, their communities, and the world. They gathered information and insight as to how they and all of our members could best solve these problems with the least need for resources with the greatest positive impact on society. The students ultimately recommended to the Sigma Beta Delta Board of Directors, that being an Organ or Tissue Donor is the biggest issue that all of our members and society can carry out to benefit humankind regardless of their race, color, religion, economic or social standing. The Sigma Beta Delta Board accepted the student’s recommendation to promote Organ and Tissue Donation as a society and quickly adopted the slogan of – “The Power of One.” The Power of One reminds us that one individual can make a positive and powerful difference, not just in their own life but in the lives of countless others.

To accept the Sigma Beta Delta challenge to become an organ donor and save lives fill out the form below. The Sigma Beta Delta Board of Directors thanks you for joining with our society to aspire to make a positive impact on humankind!

* indicates required fields

, a Sigma Beta Delta member from
inducted in the year of
, accept the Sigma Beta Delta honor society challenge and become an Organ Donor.

If you have not yet registered to become an Organ Donor, click the button below to accept the Sigma Beta Delta challenge and Register in Your State.
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Sigma Beta Delta thanks you for supporting our programs. 
Janet Ewing, President
Thank You For Your Support!