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Scholarship Award Program

The Sigma Beta Delta Scholarship Program annually awards scholarships to qualifying Sigma Beta Delta members for use in their academic studies. Each local chapter may nominate no more than one new qualifying SBD member for a scholarship each academic year. The Scholarship Committee will only evaluate for a scholarship award one new qualifying member nomination from each local chapter in any year. Multiple nominations from a school will disqualify all applications submitted from that school.

Who is Eligible to Apply for the Sigma Beta Delta Scholarships?

The objective of the scholarship is to recognize and honor the academic achievement of undergraduate and graduate members of Sigma Beta Delta. Any SBD member or student who will be or has been invited to become a member during the current or previous academic year and is enrolled as a full-time student in the year in which nominated is eligible to apply in the SBD Scholarship Program if nominated by their local chapter. In the case of a nominee who will be invited to join Sigma Beta Delta during this academic year, the Scholarship award will be contingent upon acceptance of the membership invitation.

While need is not the primary consideration in making the award, Sigma Beta Delta would like to know of the student’s need if applicable. As part of their personal essay the applicant for the scholarship is asked to explain how the funds, if awarded, will be used to cover future or past educational obligations.

How do local chapters select their nominee?

Local chapters may set their own procedures for selecting their nominee. However, Sigma Beta Delta requires each chapter to use the standard criteria for the Scholarship program, including the Scholarship Application Form, and the Scholarship Recommendation Form. Each chapter will nominate only one member from their local chapter and only that student’s name and application packet will be submitted to the SBD Central Office.