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Newest Members at College of Saint Benedict and Saint Johns University

On April 12, 2023, College of Saint Benedict and St John’s University, inducted 41 new Sigma Beta Delta members. The following names were added to the roles of Sigma Beta Delta in recognition of their high academic achievement and willingness to pursue a life of wisdom, honor, and aspirations:

Noah C. Johnson
Kaylee Ringstad
Emily Elizabeth Smith
Lauren G Schuler
Maggi J Pierret
Sam Mitchell Novotny
Anne Beuning
Mitchell B. Miesen
Lauren Marie Pfeffer
Victoria Malynne Szathmary
John William Zorbas
Andrew Geurink
Theodore Muetzel
Samuel Anderson
Matthew Thomas Anderson
Hannah Fransen
Noah Finn Junker
Amelia Skartvedt
Sydney Rohrer
Lloyd Young

Margaret Jean Rothstein
Patrick J. Lyons
Logan Theodore Hennen
Abigail Willenbring
Cody J Evans
Joseph Edwin Tomczik
Tyler Daniel Hanson
Sanders Asplin
Patrick Finley
Brandon R White
Bryn Carlstrom
Zachary Lee Selchow
Luke Casanova
Rebecca Goral
John W Becker
Cole Swisher
Payton Marker
Nate Loxtercamp
Anna Jane Streed
Jack Simonet

Congratulations & Welcome!

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