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Wesley College Chapter Induction Ceremony

Wesley College Induction - 04.10.2011
April 10, 2011 Induction

The Wesley College Chapter of Sigma Beta Delta Business Honor Society inducted the below students on Sunday April 10, 2011.  Pictured in the front row from left to right are Mary Delgado, Angela Young, Jessica Szoke, Nikita Szoke, and Chelsea Pratt.  Pictured in the back row left to right are Erik Shellenhamer, Nicholas Johnson, Garrett Moeller, William Morris, Trevor Kling, and College President Dr. William Johnston. Not pictured are the faculty officers of the Business Honor Society Professor Kathleen Jacobs (Chapter President and Faculty Advisor), Professor Marilyn Johnson (Vice-President), Professor Saharat Pongsree (Treasurer), and Professor Kraiwinee Bunyaratavej (Secretary).  In order to be selected for induction, students must be recommended by Business faculty members who have been inducted into the Sigma Beta Delta Business Honor Society by the national Board of Directors and serve as officers.  The criteria the students must meet are high scholarship, be of good moral character, and show promise for future success.  Dr. Patricia Dwyer, Vice-President of Academic Affairs, delivered the keynote address.

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