New Sigma Beta Delta Member Spotlight
Charles Shrum
Charles graduated with honors in June 2012 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Technical Management with a concen-tration in Human Resources Management from DeVry University. Prior to attending DeVry University Charles served for 12 years in the United States Army. Since his retirement from the Army in 2008 Mr. Shrum has held positions as a Production Manager and Electronics Sales Manager. Upon graduation he accepted a position as the Human Resources Manager with the State Accounting Office at the State of Georgia. In his free time, Charles enjoys working on his clas-sic car, kayaking, mountain biking, rock climbing and going to the gym.
Linda Carrie Stapleton
Linda graduated with honors in June 2012 from DeVry University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Ad-ministration with a concentration in Accounting. Prior to attending DeVry University Linda received an Associates of Applied Science in Accounting from Flint River Technical College. At her previous school, Linda was bestowed the 2009 Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership and a scholarship to DeVry. At Flint River she was president of the local chapter of Phi Beta Lambda and was the 2010 recipient of the William L. Anderson Memorial Award for exhibit-ing outstanding academic and work ethic qualities. For the past 14 years Linda has worked in accounts receivable. In her spare time she enjoys reading, traveling, and snorkeling.
Priscilla Chrystle Waller
Priscilla plans to graduate in October 2012 from DeVry University with a Bachelor of Science degree with a concentra-tion in Human Resources. Priscilla has over 21 years of experience in logistics and personnel management as a United States Army Logistics Officer. In October 2005 she retired from the U.S. Army with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. For the past 8 years Priscilla has served as an independent business owner and CEO of Vision Marketing Group. She actively volunteers with the Pregnancy Resource Center of Henry County and served as the President of the Shiloh Toastmaster for 2010 and 2011 and currently serves as the 2012 Secretary/Treasurer. While Priscilla is active in her community and church she also enjoys cooking, photography, gardening and spending time with her family.
Royanne Williams
Royanne graduated from DeVry University with a Bachelor of Science Degree with a concentration in Accounting in June of 2012. In July she will continue her Accounting education by attending the Keller Graduate School of Manage-ment. During her professional career she has worked in Accounts Payable, Banking, Storage Leasing and Real Estate Management. She has had formal training in the performing arts, studying ballet, jazz, modern dance and tap through which she participated in Foreign Cultural Exchanges, and her school’s annual production shows. Royanne is a proud mother of a three year old son.
Felecia Winfield
Felecia graduated from DeVry University in June 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Technical Management with a con-centration in Business Information Systems. During her 20 years at Bell South/AT&T she has held positions in the re-pair facility, finance group and the employee development department. Felecia also worked as a second level manager for the business unit; where her responsibility was to maintain a pre-ordering system for telecommunications carriers. Upon retiring from AT&T, she returned to school to pursue a long time desire to complete her Bachelor’s degree. Felecia is married and has two beautiful teenage girls. In her free time she enjoys couponing, movies and spending time with friends and family.