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Induction Ceremonies

Recent Induction Ceremonies

Life University Inducts Five Members

    On November 20, 2013 Life University in Marietta, GA inducted five new members into Sigma Beta Delta, recognizes them for their high academic achievement.

    Allen University’s First Student Induction Ceremony

       Congratulations to the 18 students inducted into Sigma Beta Delta at Allen University.  The ceremony was held on May 9, 2013 and this was the first ceremony for Allen University, so wish them all a big welcome.

      Keiser University-Tallahassee Induction Ceremony November 28, 2012

        From left to right: Dr. Errol Samuels-Graduate School Business Program Director, Dr. Betty Tilton- Dean of the Graduate School, Inductees: Kevin Alford, Shelley Cason, Carolyn Gregory, Shanika Jackson, Stephanie Luckie, and Dixie Mingus, and Britney Smith-Undergraduate Business Program Director.